Monday, June 20, 2011

New Computamer!

Just in time, on the first day of my summer vacation, the nice FedEx man delivered my new MacBook Pro.  Like half an hour ago!  And here I am, connected to the intermaweb and blogging.  I managed to set up my wireless router without a hitch (thanks Mr. A, for the AirPort!!), unbelievable.  And the directions for MacBook set-up were so cinchy even a cavewoman could do it.  Ha!

This is one slick computamer, and trust me, that's saying a lot coming from me, as I tend to be unimpressed by technology in general.  But, seriously, wow; this shit is spectacular!  And user friendly.  I've never used a Mac, I don't own an ipod or iphone or ianything.  And again, here I am, no problemo blogging away.

What a nice morning at home it's been.  I like my job a lot, but man, I sure like being home.  I rolled out of the rack around 9:30.  Now, don't be gettin' all judgy and thinking I'm a lazybones.  I was up 'til 2am working on a re-org of my recipe system.  I really like my system--it's good enough and works great for me.  Here's what I do:  I organize all of the recipes by category--Breakfast; Appetizers, Drinks, Dips, Nuts and Salty Snacks; Soups; Salads, Veggies, and Sides; Main Dishes; Desserts. Then I gather up all of the pieces of paper, large and small, typed and hand-written, and I organize them within their main category, i.e. all of the muffins recipes together, then I put them in plastic binder sleeves with a table of contents on the top, and then clip them into a binder.  I also have a separate sheet for cookbook references, including page number.  So when I want to make Fanny Farmer's raised waffles, I know instantly that it's on p. 556.  (Best waffle in the world, word!)  Anyway, I sorted through all of my collected recipes and weeded out the ones that I'll never use, plus added a ton from Martha's Everyday Food.  I have subscribed to that magazine since its inception, in 2003 or 2004, maybe, and kept every issue.  And even though it's little, it was time to pare down and let go, so over the last few months, I've gone through every issue and ripped out the recipes that looked promising.  I only have room to hoard one magamazine, and that's Martha Stewart Living, which I've taken since 1996.  I have every issue, organized by month--which is lovely when you're looking for some seasonal inspiration!  That is a gem of a magamazine.  Not that Everyday Food isn't, but I've got my rules to live by and limited hoarding is one of 'em.  So, back to the recipes, I added some, but dumped more so yay for me!

I sat outside in the warm morning air in my rolled up pajama bottoms because the sun was out and your legs cain't get tan through PJs.  I drank my coffee, watched the chickens and hummingbirds and talked to friends on the telemaphone.  Very, very nice; and I'm grateful for it.  Next up, mow the lawn before the kids show up at 5.  Totally doable, and perhaps there could even be time for one teeny, tiny G & T?  Why the heck not, it's summertime...and the livin' is EASY.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to snappier, more convenient, leisurely interwebbery! Keep the G & Ts outside of spilling distance from the laptop. Sporting one of those drink holding baseball caps with the straws would be a low-risk measure for blogging.
