Monday, May 16, 2011

Just Another Manic Monday

wish it was Sunday
that's my funday
I don't have to runday
just another manic Mondaaaay

Coming back to work is a real shock to the old system!  Especially as the end of the school year nears.  It is just starting to feel like I cain't take much more worky-work.  My job is great; I really do love it, but man, it's time for summah. 

I had a fantastic weekend with my dear friend, J.  The highlight reel:
  • awesome road trip--warm weather, blue skies, road tunes, windows rolled down, hair pulled back and those Wayfarers on, baby.
  • great visit with J--laughing, talking into the wee hours, sleeping in, sitting in the sun, great sushi, seeing prom-goers in fancy gowns, playing with Em, a trip to Auntie's bookstore, packing/organizing stuff to help with the move, seeing J's new house--it's lovely with a panoramic view, weeding and planting hollyhocks in the new yard, did I mention packing and organizing--I looove packing and organizing SO much--thanks, J!  You are beyond awesome.
  • nice trip home, hardly any traffic, I heart cruise control, and thanks to M for babysitting chickens and ki'ens, newspapers and garbage cans. 
And at 6:00 this morning, when my chickens seemed to be telling each other, "C'mon, let's go make some noise," I was lulled out of my dreams of Valentino and thrust back into the reality of Monday...

"Time it goes so fast when you're having fun."--The Bangles

(And yes, Brucifer, I KNOW Prince wrote this song--ha!)

1 comment:

  1. My exact thought by the first sentence. Darn you and your people behavioral skills.

    When heading in to work, did you still make it on time, aer-o-plane or no?

    If your chickens are old enough to "go make some noise" it may be time to sit down and talk with them about the birds and the, ehm, birds.
